Forums - war machine, iron man, cable Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- war machine, iron man, cable ( Posted by IggyWhite on 04:11:2001 12:40 AM: team sucks dont it Posted by aks216 on 04:11:2001 12:47 AM: this doesn't have anything to do with strategy. Posted by AmScott on 04:11:2001 12:50 AM: Get rid of Cable in that team and it would be a good team Posted by Ironmetal23 on 04:11:2001 01:27 AM: Put Cyke on aaa and its a chipplyy Posted by aks216 on 04:11:2001 02:28 AM: actually, cable would be really good in that team. warmachine anti air or ironman antiair, can hook up air hyper viperbeam 3x. Posted by Eternal Fighter on 04:11:2001 03:25 AM: imagine the DHC combinations, lots of 100% combos there. Posted by DEL on 04:11:2001 05:02 AM: Replace Cable with Psylocke(AAA)...Setup opponents with Psylocke assist and start the infinite combo for either of them, finish combo off with Proton Cannon or War Destroyer...This team is fun to use, but it'll get raped against a good keepaway team. -DEL Posted by Big Rex on 04:11:2001 05:06 AM: yeah, its great 2 frustrate opponents with the infinite of of the psy(aaa) with either character. Posted by mvc2 on 04:11:2001 05:15 AM: Ironman, Warmachine, Cable are simply a cheat team.If you use all of their projectille types, then thats an easy win. Posted by ProfessorX on 04:11:2001 05:25 AM: quote from mvc2: "Ironman, Warmachine, Cable are simply a cheat team.If you use all of their projectille types, then thats an easy win." umm... sure... actually, that would suck if they were all on projectile type assist, it wouldn't be balanced at all, and it definaltely isn't even as close to being a "cheat" team as putting AAA-psylocke in cables place. That still isn't a "cheat" team... maybe i'm lost, so what makes THAT a "cheat" team??? Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:11:2001 05:29 AM: Iron man is to hard to land combos with which is why I had to learn how to do his infinite from a regular air combo. Now all I need is one hit(as soon as I can get this 60% up to 100Z%). Look mom no Psylocke Posted by Bruton on 04:11:2001 03:03 PM: Actually, I use this team alot against the CPU at least. IM: J.LK, C.MK, call WM, C.LK, C.MP(Repulsor Blast hits), infinite. Cable: LK, MK, S.RK, AHVB EX WM's PC EX IM's PC. It doesn't really have any team dynamic, though. Posted by mvc2 on 04:11:2001 05:02 PM: The way i look at it, Thats a cheat team, no comments. Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:11:2001 05:46 PM: mvc2: could you please explain cheat team you do know you can super jump over projectile assists Posted by mvc2 on 04:11:2001 06:07 PM: Yes i know you can jump over the projectille, but using 3 people + their projectille type? that has cheap written all over it.Plus they wont be balanced out. Posted by DrunkinB on 04:11:2001 06:10 PM: Damn to many beams, anti airs, and powerful supers, grenades and bombs!!! Scary Posted by mvc2 on 04:11:2001 06:13 PM: LOL, yup your totally right way too many. Posted by Tuff Daddy on 04:11:2001 06:50 PM: This team has no hope against rushdown. A good Mag/Cyke/Cable team would eat it alive. Even Cable alone would destroy this team. Its unbalanced. No real AAA. Put IM-A on point with Cyke/Psy-AAA and Cable. Keep this team if you really like beams(I guess). Posted by mvc2 on 04:11:2001 06:53 PM: The team of warmachine, iron man , cable wouldnt stand a chance between a rushdown squad of magneto/storm/capcom Posted by Foomyjin on 04:11:2001 07:04 PM: I guess you people don't know this, but IM's and WM's infinites can both be set up by Cable's aaa. Try it out, its actually not that hard. Posted by mvc2 on 04:11:2001 11:51 PM: Im gonna try that now Posted by Tuff Daddy on 04:12:2001 02:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by Foomyjin I guess you people don't know this, but IM's and WM's infinites can both be set up by Cable's aaa. Try it out, its actually not that hard. That's true foo (did I just say that?) but IM cannot stand on his own. He is more of a battery IMO. Setting up infinites with Cable? I'll have to try that. IM would certainly fall victim to Mag/Cyke or Mag/Psy, and god forbid he ever ended up in the corner. WM and Cable can only do so much with their AAA assists. They aren't invincible either(not always bad though). Try playing IM/WM/Cable against a 1/2-way decent Mag/Psy/Capcom and see for yourself.(hope you can do the inf 100% of the time not even Scott A in the videos can get it all the time) Posted by bison812 on 04:12:2001 02:23 PM: i think you should take war machine out and put psy in her AAA can help iron man set up his infinite as well set up an otg for cables ahvb Posted by mvc2 on 04:12:2001 06:24 PM: Yea, i think if you put psylocks aaa type in, then it might be balanced out Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:12:2001 07:11 PM: i just dont see how that team would work...i mean a yeah if u put in the psy(aaa) then it might work...i use the word might very loosely...1st their dashes cant go around a keepaway team and if u use a pixy team(which i do) then ull get a huge rush suggestion is to use cable(anti-air) iron man( only because he is faster and can dhc w/ psy(beam assist) and psy(aaa) then u have a balanced team...hey i think i should try that out Posted by strider86 on 04:12:2001 10:06 PM: i team that could do alot of chipping.i think i have the highest score in my game of mvc2 with that team.try subing in war machine for maybe someone lijke storm. Posted by mvc2 on 04:12:2001 11:03 PM: chip team is stryder/storm/magneto Posted by Shuzer on 04:12:2001 11:15 PM: quote: Originally posted by mvc2 chip team is stryder/storm/magneto Strider/Doom chips more than that team. Iceman/Spiral(either way) chips more. Servbot chips more. ROLL can probably chip better than that team(ok so maybe Hail Storm does better chip). The only good chip from that team is call assist Typhoon xx Hail Storm. Maybe Orbs + Storm could chip a little. Posted by mvc2 on 04:13:2001 01:11 AM: well i still like my chip squad Posted by Terazon on 04:14:2001 02:17 AM: There are even more evil things for this team. Check out the "Unblockable / Throw to assist Combos" thread. There is some stuff that can ba applied to this team there. This may scare anyone who cannot tech hit yet into learning how or quitting the game. Feel free to add to it if you want. Your Idea need not be practical [though suggested], just unblockable and [possibly and preferredly] followable with combos. See ya!!! Posted by mvc2 on 04:14:2001 04:46 AM: I never knew about that dude, thanks for telling me. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:35 PM. Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.